Presentations – Reston, VA

April 9-10, 2024 HPC User Forum, Reston, VA


Speaker Organization Title PDF Download
N/A HPC User Forum Agenda Here
Leonardo Flores Añover European Commission Developments in the European Union – Euro HPC Here
Katie Antypas NSF Broadening Access to AI Resources through NAIRR Pilot Here
Ron Bewtra HPE HPC User Forum Update Here
Stephen Ezell ITIF CHIPS and Science Program Updates Here
Bob Gaines Intel Vendor Update: Next-Gen HPC & AI Here
Yang Guo NIST NIST High-Performance Computing Security Working Group Here
Blake Gonzales Oracle HPC on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Here
Earl Joseph Hyperion Research Market Update Here
Jacqueline Le Moigne NASA Earth System Digital Twins Here
Chris Maestas IBM IBM Update – Storage Here
Arun Majumdar Permion Decisions & Predictions at the Speeds of Relevance at the Edge or Cloud Here
Dave Martin ANL Update on Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Here
James McKenna DDN Vendor Update: DDN Intro to Technical Panel Here
Robert Renzoni Hammerspace Vendor Update: The Need for a New Storage Architecture: Hyperscale NAS Here
Buddy Rizer Dept of Economic Development for Loudoun County VA The Making of Data Center Alley – How Loudoun Virginia became the Heart of the Internet Here
Wim Slagter Ansys Vendor Update: Key Findings of Surveys on Cloud Computing for Engineering Simulation Here
Bob Sorensen Hyperion Research Global QC Market Status and Prospects Here
John Speakman NYU Langone AI and LLMs at NYU Langone Here
Ceren Suset DOE Office of Science / ASCR Balancing Priorities in a Very Fast Moving Field Here
David Turek CATALOG DNA-based Solutions for Data Storage and Computation Here
Nick Wright LBL NERSC Update Here
Bernie Wu MemVerge Vendor Update: Solving HPC-AI’s Biggest Memory Problems Here
D. Arnold, C. Culhane, K. Kelley, J Lofstead, M. Fratkin Emory Univ., LANL, CASC, SNL, TACC The Need for Greater Diversity and Ways to Increase Diversity in HPC-AI Here