Use the links below to download recent meeting presentations or from our previous meeting archive.
HPC User Forum Presentations
*These lists are sorted by speaker last name and consist of speaker-permitted presentations
October 24-25, 2024 HPC User Forum, Stuttgart, Germany (HLRS)
- N/A, HPC User Forum, Agenda
- Aykut Baki, VDI-VDE IT GmbH, Welcome and Update on the German HPC/AI Strategy
- Siegfried Benkner, Research Group Scientific Computing, University of Vienna, Accelerating Graph Neural Networks
- Floyd Christofferson, Hammerspace, Standards-based Data Platforms for HPC and AI
- Dennis Dickmann, Seedbox, HPC Powered AI for Industries
- Thomas Hauser, UCAR, Accelerating Earth System Science Knowledge and Discovery Through Computational Science
- Marvin Hubl, SSC, Creating Connections
- Lenovo, Lenovo, Vendor Update
- Tommaso Macri, QuEra, The Quantum Computer Built for HPC Centers
- Brendan McGinty, University of Illinois, NCSA, National Center for Supercomputing Applications: An Overview
- Earl Joseph, Hyperion Research, HPC and AI Market Update
- David Martin, Argonne National Laboratory, ALCF Resources and Argonne Initiatives in AI for Science and Integrated Research Infrastructure
- Simon McIntosh-Smith, University of Bristol, Bristol Centre for Supercomputing, Isambard-AI: Delivering leadership class AI applications
- Michael Resch, HLRS/IHR, University of Stuttgart, Perspective on the HPC Community – An Update from 2017
- Bob Sorensen, Hyperion Research, QC Highlights From Around the World
- Oliver Treiber, ECMWF, ECMWF Bologna Data Centre’s High-Performance-Computing Facility: Update
October 21-22, 2024 International HPC User Forum, Barcelona, Spain
- N/A, HPC User Forum, Agenda
- Mario Acosta, Christian Guzman, Alexey Medvedev and Xavier Yepes, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Optimizing Climate Models with Accelerators and Emerging Technologies
- Manuel Arenaz, Codee/Appentra Solutions SL, Program Analysis Technologies with LLVM Targeting HPC Codes
- Rosa M. Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, HPC+AI Workflows at BSC
- Jose Carbonell, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, AI in Life Science, LLMs and TPC
- Alba Cervera-Lierta, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Quantum Computing at the BSC-CNS
- Sergi Girona, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, MareNostrum 5
- Earl Joseph, Hyperion Research, HPC/AI Market Update
- Lenovo, Lenovo, Vendor Update
- Tommaso Macri, QuEra, The Quantum Computer
- David Martin, Argonne National Laboratory, ALCF Resources and Argonne Initiatives in AI for Science and Integrated Research Infrastructure
- Bob Sorensen, Hyperion Research, QC Highlights From Around the World
- Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BSC Past, Present and Future
- Pedro Valero-Lara, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, LLM4HPC: Towards an AI-autonomous HPC World
Previous Meeting Archive
Download our presentations from past events.
September 4-5, 2024 HPC-AI User Forum, Lemont, IL (Argonne National Lab)
- N/A, HPC User Forum, Agenda
- Yuval Boger, QuEra, The Quantum Computer Built for HPC Centers
- Forrest Burt / Devin Jensen, CIQ / Montis, Vendor Update
- Mathew Cherukara, Argonne National Laboratory, HPC & AI Enabled Science at the Advanced Photon Source
- Nicholas Chia, Argonne National Laboratory, AI in Medicine (generative modeling)
- Brett Coffman, IBM, A quick history of AI at IBM and introducing
- Zacary Farsolas, SuperMicro, The Total Solution of the Modern Data Center
- Marc Fisher, Lenovo, HPC @ Lenovo
- Sam Foreman, Argonne National Laboratory, Aurora GPT
- Joerg Gablonsky, The Boeing Company, High Performance Computing at Boeing
- Jennifer Glore, SambaNova, Vendor Update: SambaNova
- Nick Hagerty, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL Site Update
- David Haglin, Trovares, Trovares Graph 2.0: Democratizing HPC Graph Analytics
- Heidi Hanson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL Site Update
- Peter Harrington, NERSC, HPC+AI for Science at NERSC
- Earl Joseph, Hyperion Research, Hyperion Research Market Update
- Kimmo Koski, CSC – IT Center for Science, LUMI Update
- Rao Kotamarthi, Argonne National Laboratory, Accelerating Climate Discovery Science Using AI/ML
- Gianluca Longoni, FedData Technical Solutions, Benchmark of Real-world AI Inferencing Workloads on Intel Gaudi2 AI accelerator; Example of Multi-modal AI
- Donovan Mathias, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) and Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPWT) Facility Integration
- James McKenna, DDN, DDN Introduction and Company Update
- Chuck Orlowski / Art Grimshaw, GE Vernova, GEV ARC – HPC/AI – The Road Ahead
- David Schissel, DIII-D National Fusion Facility, Integrated REsearch Infrastructure: DIII-D National Fusion Facility
- Lloyd Slonaker, DoD HPCMP, DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Update
- Bob Sorensen, Hyperion Research, AI at Scale with a Focus on HPC
- Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL History and the Big Picture AI Landscape
- Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory, Frontier AI for Science, Security and Technology
- Rick Vilim, Argonne National Laboratory, AI for autonomous operation
- Mike Woodacre, HPE, Vendor Update: HPE
April 9-10, 2024 HPC User Forum, Reston, VA
- N/A, HPC User Forum, Agenda
- Leonardo Flores Añover, European Commission, Developments in the European Union – Euro HPC
- Katie Antypas, NSF, Broadening Access to AI Resources through NAIRR Pilot
- Ron Bewtra, HPE, HPC User Forum Update
- Stephen Ezell, ITIF, CHIPS and Science Program Updates
- Bob Gaines, Intel, Vendor Update: Next-Gen HPC & AI
- Yang Guo, NIST, NIST High-Performance Computing Security Working Group
- Blake Gonzales, Oracle, HPC on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Earl Joseph, Hyperion Research, Market Update
- Jacqueline Le Moigne, NASA, Earth System Digital Twins
- Chris Maestas, IBM, IBM Update – Storage
- Arun Majumdar, Permion, Decisions & Predictions at the Speeds of Relevance at the Edge or Cloud
- Dave Martin, ANL, Update on Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
- James McKenna, DDN, Vendor Update: DDN Intro to Technical Panel
- Robert Renzoni, Hammerspace, Vendor Update: The Need for a New Storage Architecture: Hyperscale NAS
- Buddy Rizer, Dept of Economic Development for Loudoun County VA, The Making of Data Center Alley – How Loudoun Virginia became the Heart of the Internet
- Wim Slagter, Ansys, Vendor Update: Key Findings of Surveys on Cloud Computing for Engineering Simulation
- Bob Sorensen, Hyperion Research, Global QC Market Status and Prospects
- John Speakman, NYU Langone, AI and LLMs at NYU Langone
- Ceren Suset, DOE Office of Science / ASCR, Balancing Priorities in a Very Fast Moving Field
- David Turek, CATALOG, Vendor Update: DNA-based Solutions for Data Storage and Computation
- Nick Wright, LBL, NERSC Update
- Bernie Wu, MemVerge, Vendor Update: Solving HPC-AI’s Biggest Memory Problems
- D. Arnold, C. Culhane, K. Kelley, J Lofstead, M. Fratkin, Emory Univ., LANL, CASC, SNL, TACC, The Need for Greater Diversity and Ways to Increase Diversity in HPC-AI
September 6-7, 2023 HPC User Forum, Tucson, AZ
- N/A, HPC User Forum, Agenda
- Leonardo Flores Añover, European Commission, Developments in the European Union – EuroHPC
- Norman Bourassa, NERSC, Managing Energy & Water Use at NERSC: Multidisciplinary Teamwork
- Glenn Brook, Cornelis Networks, Interconnecting a Data-Driven World
- Simon Burbidge, DiRAC, DiRAC UK Update
- Simon Burbidge, DiRAC, DiRAC Sustainability
- Steve Chien, NASA, Artificial Intelligence in Space and the Hunt for Life Beyond Earth!
- Aaron Fisher, LLNL, HPC4EI: National Laboratories Partner with U.S. Manufacturers to Increase Innovation and Energy Efficiency
- Gary Grider, LANL, LANL Platform Planning and Update
- Scott Hara, Intel, Intel, Innovative Technologies Panel
- Peter Harrington, NERSC, HPC+AI for Earth Sciences at NERSC
- Dion Harris, NVIDIA, Grace and Grace Hopper Update
- Amy Henninger, DHS, Homeland Security Site Update: From Science to Operations
- Michael Heroux, Sandia National Labs, ECP Update and Future Sustainability Efforts
- Ronen Hyatt, UnifabriX, The Quest for Bandwidth and Capacity: Memory Edition
- Earl Joseph, Hyperion Research, Hyperion Research Market Update and High Growth Areas
- Doug Kothe, Sandia National Labs, Reflections on the Exascale Era: Then and Now
- Jysoo Lee, KAUST, HPC/AI Activities at KAUST & the Middle East
- Ti Leggett, ANL, ALCF Sustainability
- Bill Mannel, HPE, HPE Greenlake for Large Language Models
- Bill Mannel, HPE, HPE Vendor Update
- Gary Marchant, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Law
- Piyush Mehrotra, NASA, Sustainability: NASA Advanced Supercomputing Facility at Ames Research
- Mark Nossokoff, Hyperion Research, Research Perspectives on Sustainability
- Craig Prunty, SiPearl, SiPearl Company Update
- Mark Seamans, Penguin Solutions, Penguin Solutions, Innovative Technologies Panel
- David Sherwood, Cognitive Science and Solutions, Diamond Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Troy Shilt, Sandia National Labs, Partially Saturated Flow through Deformable Porous Media
- Stephen Sofhauser, Dell Technologies, Dell AI Strategy & Overview
- Bob Sorensen, Hyperion Research, HPC and Generative AI: A Game Change in the Making?
- Dan Stanzione, TACC, Datacenter Sustainability Panel: Perspective from TACC
- John Unthank, IBM, IBM, HPC User Forum
- Nick Wright, NERSC, Perlmutter and the Next Procurement – NERSC-10
April 18-19, 2023 HPC User Forum, Princeton, NJ
- Daniel Andrews, Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover
- David Bader, Massive Scale Analytics for Real-World Applications
- Ron Bewtra, Vendor Update
- Bret Costelow, Innovative Technologies Panel
- Chuanfei Dong, Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling at Various Scales: From the Turbulent Solar Corona to the Coupled Earth-Moon System
- William Dorland, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Update
- John Feo, Analyzing Streaming Data in Real-Time Without Central Control
- Ian Fisk, Flatiron Institute Site Update
- Curtis Hillegas, Site Update – Princeton University
- Travis Humble, Quantum Science Center Update
- Earl Joseph, HPC Market Update
- Luca Longoni, Radiation Transport Modeling
- Paul Muzio, SciFi, Computing and AI
- Mark Nossokoff, New Directions in HPC Storage and Interconnects
- Molly Peeples, Using HPC for the Modeling of Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Philip Pokorny, Innovative Technologies Panel
- Mark Stickells, The Path to Exascale HPC, Quantum Computing and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
- William Tang, The Intersection of HPC and AI & Modern Magnetic Fusion Energy Development
- Aidan Thompson, LAMMPS, AI/ML Interatomic Potentials, and Leadership HPC Platforms
- John Unthank, Vendor Update
October 6-7, 2022 HPC User Forum, Stuttgart, Germany
- Earl Joseph, HPC Update
- Roland Krüppel, Update on the German HPC Strategy
- Bastian Koller, Update on the European Competence Centres Activity
- Emma Wehrwein, Update on Gaia-X
- Craig Prunty, The European Processor Initiative
- Utz-Uwe Haus, HPE Technical/Strategy Update
- Jysoo Lee, KAUST New System Update
- Michael Resch, Update on HLRS
- Eric Eppe, ATOS Technical/Strategy Update
- Andreas Wierse, Update SICOS BW and the Interaction with Industry
- Thomas Eickermann, Update on JSC
- Matthias Stroezel, Update on the Media Solution Center
- Matthias Stroezel, Secured and Simple Data Management for Industry
- Cornelis Networks, The Future of High Performance Fabrics
- David Martin, Building a Balanced Exascale System
- Guy Lonsdale, Introduction to the European HPC Centres of Excellence
- Bob Sorensen, Quantum Computing Activities Around the World
October 3-4, 2022 HPC User Forum, Paris, France
- Earl Joseph, HPC Market Update
- Gilles Wiber, CEA Computing Centres: Evolutions
- David Martin, Building a Balanced Exascale System
- Philippe Deniel, Storage Strategy for Exascale
- Johann Lombardi, DAOS Technical/Strategy Update
- Utz-Uwe Haus, HPE Technical Update
- Eric Eppe, ATOS Technical Update
- Thomas Geenen, Destination Earth
- Patrick Schots, The Future of High Performance Fabrics
- Matthieu Wong Hang, Lenovo Technical Update
- Earl Joseph and Bob Sorensen, New Directions in HPC
- Bob Sorensen, Quantum Computing Activities Around the World
- Olivier Tonneau, Quantum Ecosystem, Venture Capital
- Jacques-Charles Lafoucrière, HQI: French initiative/platform for hybrid HPC+QC
- Pawel Gepner, Vendor Technology Update
- Josephine Wood, EuroHPC Update
- Jean-Marc Denis, SiPearl Vision
- Bastian Koller, EU Competence Centres
- Jean-Pierre Panziera, ATOS Vision for Europe
- Stéphane Requena, Exascale France Project
March 2022 HPC User Forum
- Brendan Bouffler, AWS Update
- Gilbert Brunet, Toward Seamless Weather and Climate Earth-System Prediction & Insight
- Laura Carriere, NASA Center for Climate Simulation – Change is Constant
- Steve Conway, Edge Computing
- Gene Cooperman, MemVerge, end user case study
- John Davis, RISC-V in Europe: The Road to an Open Source HPC Stack
- Chris DePrater, Cooling the Data Center: Design of a Mechanical Controls Owner Project Requirements (OPR) Template
- Ellie Dobson, The Rise of AI-Simulation Hybridisation Methods from a Hardware Perspective
- Dan Ernst, Navigating System Design in the Age of Specialization
- Douglas Fuller / Thomas Steinke, Omni-Path Express (OPX) Libfabric Provider: Overview & Case Study
- Wilfred Gomes, Ponte Vecchio: A Multi-Tile 3D Stacked Processor for Exascale Computing
- Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Beyond Restart: Checkpointing for the Exascale Era
- Dr. Ramin Hasani, Liquid Neural Networks
- Earl Joseph, HPC Market Update
- Masaru Kase, Supercomputer Fugaku
- Rory Kelly, HPC at NCAR for Climate and Weather
- Kimmo Koski, EuroHPC LUMI Pre-exascale Computing Ecosystem
- Dr. Branko Kosovic, Toward actionable wildland fire prediction enabled by high-performance computing
- Honggao Liu, ACES – Accelerating Computing for Emerging Sciences
- Thomas Ludwig, Latest Trends at DKRZ – Installations and Machine Learning Activities
- Sid Mair, Penguin Computing Business Update
- Brendan McGinty, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Update
- Bob Murphy, Vendors’ Big Lie About Storage for AI
- Martin Palkovic, Challenges for Computing at ECMWF (when transitioning to the new datacentre)
- Craig Prunty, Trends and Design Choices for the European Microprocessor
- Ulrich Rüde, waLBerla – Multi-physics Framework
- Ulrich Schättler, Numerical Modelling at DWD – An Update on Models and Hardware
- Fumiyoshi Shoji, Introduction to Fugaku
- Brock Taylor, AMD
- Mark Wilkinson, Co-design of HPC services: the examples of DiRAC & ExCALIBUR
- Mike Woodacre, Where are we heading with HPC & AI?
September 2021 HPC User Forum
- Katie Antypas, Perlmutter Supercomputer Update
- Jay Boisseau, Dell Technologies Vendor Update
- John Davis and John Leidel, RISC-V Update
- Jean-Marc Denis, Rhea, The European Microprocessor
- Leonardo Flores, The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
- Pawel Gepner, Graphcore Update
- Andrew Jones, AI, Cloud and Other HPC Trends
- Earl Joseph, HPC Market Update
- Michael Kendrick, Vendor Update, Intel
- Doug Kothe, The Exascale Computing Project
- Dimitri Kusnezov, Update Semiconductors, USG
- Ti Leggett, Polaris Supercomputer Update
- Richard Lethin, Innovative Technology Panel, Reservoir Labs
- Bill Mannel, Vendor Update, HPE
- George Markomanolis, LUMI Supercomputer Update
- Satoshi Matsuoka, Fugaku Update and Its Future Perspectives
- Shig Okaya, From K to Fugaku
- Lynne Parker and Erwin Gianchandani, The National AI Research Task Force
- Sean Peisert, Advancing Cybersecurity as an Enabling Capability
- Andrew Richards, Innovative Technology Panel, Codeplay
- Mitsuhisa Sato, The Japan Exascale Initiative and Fugaku
- Laura Schulz, LRZ Site Update
- Brock Taylor, Vendor Update, AMD
- Bob Sorensen, Quantum Computing Update
- Dave Turek, Innovative Technology Panel, Catalog
- Matthew Williams, Innovative Technology Panel, Rockport Networks
- Bob Wisniewski, Leveraging Heterogeneity Aurora as a Critical Step
HPC User Forum Special Event: Smarter Networks, Smarter MPI: Improving MPI User Experience & Cluster Performance
HPC User Forum Special Event Sept 2021:
Real World Performance Results Using Arm Processors for Large HPC Workloads
- Gerard Gorman, Devito Use Case on A64FX
- Yuxi Hong, High Performance Seismic Redatuming on A64FX
- Takayuki Hoshiya, Arm HPC Processor A64FX Advantages in Oil & Gas Application
- Earl Joseph, Trends in HPC and Oil & Gas
- Stuart Midgley, DUG Application on FX1000
- Long Qu, GIRTH on A64FX
- Simon Rinco, Soham Sheth; Takyuki Hoshiya, Reservoir Kernel Code Evaluation on A64FX
- Roger Rintala; Brent Gorda, HPE Apollo 80 Systems; Innovation in Oil & Gas Simulation
- Eva Siegmann, Minimod on Ookami
- Various Speakers, Q&A
May 2021 HPC User Forum
- Francis Alexander, ExaLearn 2021
- Rommie Amaro, Computational Microsopy of SARS-CoV-2
- Sanzio Bassini, SuperComputing Application & Innovation
- Michael Brown, Optimizing NAMD for Intel AVX-512
- Radmila Brožková, NEC SX Aurora Tsubasa User for Weather and Climate
- Radolslav Danilak, Innovative Technology Panel, Tachyum
- Tina Declerck, Perlmutter: A System for Simulation, AI, and Data
- Jeff Denworth, Storage Panel, Vast Data
- Florent Duchaine, High-Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics for Virus Propagation in Closed Ventilated Domains
- Mohamed El-Batal, Storage Panel, Seagate Technologies
- Charles Fan, Big Memory Update
- Yan Fisher, Innovative Technology Pnel, Red Hat
- Rosemary Francis, Innovative Technology Panel, Altair
- Brent Gorda, Innovative Technology Panel, ARM
- Gary Grider, Transforming Weapons Performance Calculation via Efficiency Mission Computing
- Richard Lawrence, Met Office UK Site Update
- Justin Hotard and Bill Mannel, Vendor Update HPE
- Earl Joseph, HPC Market Update
- Bastian Koller, Update on HLRS and New Activities
- Doug Kothe, Exascale Computing Project Update
- Jysoo Lee, Building HPC/AI Ecosystem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Jeffrey Lundberg, Storage Panel, Hitachi Ventara
- Sid Mair, Innovative Technology Panel, Penguin Computing
- Pekka Manninen, The European Flagship Supercomputer of the North
- Simon McIntoch-Smith, The Isambard 2 Arm-based Supercomputer
- Alex Norton, HPC and AI Processors: An Update
- Mark Nossokoff, Storage and Interconnects Market Update
- Manish Parashar, Advanced Cyberinfrastructure and the COVID-19 Response
- Mark Parsons, EPCC Update and UK Exascale Project
- Gursimrajit Singh, Vendor Update NEC
- Bob Sorensen, Quantum Computing Update
- Alok Srivastav, Innovative Technology Panel, Supermicro
- Mark Stickells, Pawsey Update
- Gregory Voth, Overcoming the Multiscale Simulation Challenge for Biomolecular Systems
The Shift from Legacy Storage Solutions to Modern Data Platforms April 30, 2021
- Mark Nossokoff, Modern Data Platforms
- Mark Nossokoff, HPC Market Update and Observations on Modern Data Platforms
- Shimon Ben-David, Weka Data Platforms
- Kevin Tubbs, Breaking Data Silos to Support Mixed Workloads
- James Lowey, Scale Requirements for Modern Workloads
- Panelists, Perspectives on Modern Workloads
360 Degree View of Big Memory for HPC, December 10, 2020
- Mark Nossokoff, HPC Market Update and Observations on Big Memory
- Dr. Charles Fan, Big Memory Software for HPC
- Andrey Kudryavtsev, Impact of Intel Optane Technology on HPC
- Kevin Tubbs, LiveData
- Dr. Gene Cooperman, Checkpoint the Uncheckpointable
- Earl Dodd, Preparing for and demonstrating the Next-Gen Big Memory Lab
Recent Interviews
In lieu of HPC User Forum event presentations, interviews were conducted with HPC community leaders.
Interview videos as well as the related documents are available on insideHPC:
Lugano, Switzerland, October 7-8, 2019 CSCS
Edinburgh, Scotland, October 10-11, 2019 EPCC
Chicago, IL, September 9-11, 2019, Argonne National Laboratory
- AgendaANLHPCUserForum 9.8.pdf
- Al-Geist.ANL.pdf
- Arevalo_DeVine_Argonne.pdf
- AMD-Innovative_Technologies_Panel.pdf
- AMD-VendorTechnologyUpdate.pdf
- AndrewHPC-User-Forum-2019.pdf
- BodeNCSA(2).pdf
- Brochure-2019.pdf
- CancerComputerHPCForum2019v1.pdf
- Conway.AI.ANL-UserForum.pdf
- Cray-CSN.pdf
- Conway.AI.ANL-UserForum(2).pdf
- CSCS-Update@HPCUserForum-ANL_Sep09.pdf
- DavidMartinALCF_HPC-User-Forum_Martin.pdf
- DellInstantAIDiagnosis.pdf
- Doug Kothe ECP Update
- EarlSep2019HPCUFMeetingslides9.6.2019.pdf
- EDSFFsystemsHPCForum20190911.pdf
- EPIUpdateHPCUserForum2019-09-010.pdf
- EuroHPCupdateforHPCUserForumSept 019.pdf
- HPCandDataDownUnderMarkStickells.pdf
- HyperionCloudPresentation.pdf
- HyperionResearchQuickTakeExascale.pdf
- HyperionResearchRecentReports.pdf
- HyperionResearchUserForumFactSheet.pdf
- IBMHPCInnovation_panel.pdf
- Kolster_HPC_UF_2019.pdf
- NCSAMcGinty.pdf
- NEC_HPC_UserForum_20190911_1.pdf
- Panasaspanel.pdf
- RayLoyATPESCoverview.pdf
- RedHat-HPCUserForum9-11.pdf
- Rick-Stevens.Compressed.pdf
- Romero-E3SM-HPCUserForum2019.pdf
- TACCHPCForum.pdf
- ValerieTaylorHPCForum.pdf
Santa Fe, New Mexico La Fonda On The Plaza, April 1-3, 2019
- 2019 TPQ BeeGFS.pdf
- 190331-1 Data Movement & Tiering with DMF7.pdf
- AI HW Trends Update 3.28.pdf
- Altair PBS Works HPC User Forum 1.2.19 Pres(1).pdf
- Amanda HPC_User_Forum_final.pdf
- AMD Silicon and Software Solutions for HPC.pdf
- AMD-Working_Beyond_Moores_Law.pdf
- April Agenda HPCUserForum SantaFe 3.29.pdf
- ARM_Hyperion2019v1-Final.pdf
- Collins-HPC-UF-April-2019-final.pdf
- Cray_Shasta Preso_External_non-NDA 040219.pdf
- DDC Data Center Cooling Evolution.pdf
- Dell Making Innovation Real.pdf
- DWave.Hyperion 4.3.pdf
- Earl April 20189 HPC UF Meeting slides 3.31.pdf
- ExaLearnOverview-HPCSantaFe-v6.pdf
- Future meeting letter heads 3.15.2019.pdf
- Healthcare UberCloud.pdf
- Henry Newman 04.02.HPC.User.Forum.pdf
- HPE AI-HPC-04-1-19-V2_KJ.pdf
- Intel HPC User Forum Intel.pdf
- Joubert ORNL.pdf
- LANL-Grider.pdf
- LFA for HPC User Forum April 2019 for pub.pdf
- Metadata-LANL-Grider.pdf
- Mike Heroux HPC-User-Forum-April-2019_share.pdf
- MinnichHPCUsersForum.pdf
- NASAEvolvingNASADataSystemsHPC_IMPACTv2.pdf
- Penguin_04022019.pdf
- Riken matsuoka.pdf
- Russell-HPCUserForum-iRODS-201903b.pdf
- Tachyum HPC User Forum.pdf
- UberCloud – Personalized Healthcare.pdf
- Wolpert hpc.santafe.conference.04.2019.pdf
- XTREME-D_UserForum.pdf
- CPC – HPC Users Group Slides Apr 2019.pdf
- TACC-BP Collab for Workforce 0419.pdf
- Patrick Bridges pdf.pdf
- Panasas_Metadata_Handling_FINAL.pdf
- John Unthank IBM_HPCUserForum April 2019.pdf
- Gaither C4C.pdf
- HumbleHPCUserForum.pdf
Stuttgart, Germany October 1-2, 2018 HLRS / University of Stuttgart
- Agenda.HPCUserForum.HLRS9.27.2018.pdf
- EPI_Teaser_EuropeanProcessors.pdf
- FeilhauerTestingApproachesforAutonomousVehicles.pdf
- HLRSSept2018HPCUFMeetingslides10.1.pdf
- IBM-HyperionHPCUserForum.pdf
- IBMSC09_Power_sh_UW.pdf
- InspurHPCUserForumVB.pdf
- IntelStorage_HPC_User_Forum.pdf
- JSC2018-10-01Update-JSC.pdf
- Lenovo_final.pdf
- LFAforStuttgartHPCUserForumOct2018.pdf
- MuzioDearborn-summary.pdf
- ParsonsHPCUserForum.pdf
- Resch-I.pdf
- Resch-II.pdf
- UpdateonLRZ.pdf
- VerneGlobalHPC_Stuttgart_v5.pdf
Dearborn, Michigan September 4-6, 2018 The Dearborn Inn
- AltairPBSWorks_Solutions.pdf
- AMD_GPUAcceleration.pdf
- BridgingtheAVGap_JD Power.pdf
- Brzezinska_OSU.pdf
- DearbornAGENDA9.2.2018.pdf
- DellEMCHPCUpdate.pdf
- Dow_Cloud_Bursting_for_HPC.pdf
- EarlSept2018HPCUFMeetingslides.pdf
- EUHPCStrategyandPlansLFA.pdf
- Fernandez-SpaceBornComputer.pdf
- GabrielBronerRescale.pdf
- ilight_hpcuf_sep18.pdf
- JTurner.pdf
- MAmeen_Exascale enginesimulations.pdf
- NASARobertHood.pdf
- NSFLeadershipComputing.pdf
- NVIDIANeedsforAtonomousVehicles.pdf
- Panasas_HPCUpdate.pdf
- PenguinComputingAIcapability.pdf
- Univa-CameronBrunner.pdf
Tucson, Arizona April 16-18, 2018 Loews Ventana Canyon
- 2018_HPC_forum_ArmOnHpc.pdf
- QCOverview_NIST_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Agenda_TucsonHPCUserForum2018.pdf
- AI_Cray_UFTucson2018.pdf
- AI_HyperionResearch_UFTucson2018.pdf
- ComputeOntario_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Cosmology_NERSC_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Environment_KatRisk_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Environment_LBNL_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Environment_SCEC_UF Tucson2018.pdf
- Health_PrecisionMed_NSIUNLV_Tucson2018.pdf
- Innovations_AI_Cray_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Innovations_IBM_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Innovations_Liqid_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Innovations_Onscale_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Innovations_Panasas_UFTucson2018.pdf
- NeuralNetworks_NERSC_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCPanel_HyperionResearch_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_ChinaUnivS&T_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_DWave_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_Google_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_Intel_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_Microsoft_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_NASA_UFTucson2018.pdf
- QCOverview_Rigetti_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Research_Intel_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Research_UofAZ_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Tech Update_Dell EMC_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Tech Update_HPE_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Tech Update_IBM_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Tech Update_Intel_UFTucson2018.pdf
- Tucson2018Overview_MktUpdate.pdf
- UberCloud_UFTucson2018.pdf
Bruyères-le-Châtel, France (South of Paris)
March 6-7, 2018 Teratec & CEA
- AtosARMplansHPCuserforum2018SLv1.1.pdf
- AtoscommitmenttoHPC–andbeyond.pdf
- AtosHPCuserforum2018SLv1.1.pdf
- CEA CCRT_HPC_user.pdf
- CybeleTech HPCForum_070317.pdf
- DOEDimitriCEAMarch62018.pdf
- EarlCEAMarch2018Meetingslides3.5.2018.pdf
- ETP4HPC-HPC_User_Forum_2018_03_06.pdf
- ExtraitPresentationTeratec_UK.pdf
- HartreeCentreAlisonKennedyIDC.pdf
- HyperionDoesMovingDatatothe
CloudMakeSense3.5.2018.pdf - Hyperion.ConwayIndustryStudy3.5.2018.pdf
- HyperionQCUFTalk3.2.2018.pdf
- HyperionTERATEC.Agenda.HPCUser
Forum3.2.2018.pdf - IDCEU2020mainstudySR03S10.15.2010.pdf
- IntelUpdateTrishDamkrogerHPCUser
ForumMarch2018.pdf - JeanG.pdf
- LFAtoHPCForumTeratec6-7March2018final.pdf
- MichelinCEAHPCUFMar2018.pdf
- NICE-HPCUserForum3.pdf
- pop-hpcuf.2018.pdfRikenupdateMar2018.pdf
September 5-7, 2017
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The Pfister Hotel
- AgendaHPCUFMilwaukee9.2.2017.pdf
- AI_at_PSC_Buitrago_Nystrom_20170907.pdf
- ArnoHPC_User_Forum_Sep_2017.pdf
- CrayPerspectiveonHPC-enabledAI.pdf
- EarlSeptember2017Meetingslides.pdf
- Ed.NSF.LeadershipSystem.pdf
- GabrielBroner.pdf
- HPC4Mfg_Diachin.pdf
- HPDLCookbook4HPCUserForum.pdf
- HPE_VineethDeck.pdf
- HyperionRikenProjectSummary.pdf
- HyperionRikenProjectSummary.pdf
- HyperionUSHPCOpportunitesforEngagement.pdf
- IntelUpdate-HPCUserForum.pdf
- LFA.pdf
- MachineLearningatNASAtalk.pdf
- MfgBunzelIntel.pdf
- NISTGarrisMLAIReportsOverview.pdf
- NSF.DeepLearning.Wong.pdf
- RSystems_Update_090617.pdf
- ShilohHalHPCUFpresentation.pdf
- Turkel-DellEMCSept2017.pdf
April 17-19, 2017
Santa Fe, New Mexico
La Fonda on the Plaza
- 2017-04-19_Turner_ExaAM-v2.pdf
- AprilHPCUserForumAgendaApril16.2017.pdf
- ARM_Ecosystem.pdf
- Cray_Update_2017_HPC_User_Forum.pdf
- Damkoger-Intel.pdf
- DisruptiveTechnologypanel.pdf
- DwaveEDD.pdf
- ECP_IC_for-IDC.pdf
- HyperionMarketUpdate4.17.2017ecjsc.pdf
- IBMQ_short_hpcuf17.pdf
- ICEotope.pdf
- IntelsoftwareFinal.pdf
- LIMINGGlobus2017-04.pdf
- Mellanox.pdf
- MessinaECP.pdf
- NSFandNCSA.pdf
- OhioTomkoFinal.pdf
- ParkIBM.pdf
- rjh-hpcuser-forum-april-2017-joined.pdf
- Ryft.pdf
- SSomcombustionANL.pdf
- SuunyHPE.pdf
- TAAC.pdf
- TurkelDell.pdf
- UNLVNSIIDCApril2017.pdf
February 28 - March 1, 2017
Stuttgart, Germany
HLRS/University of Stuttgart
September 29-30, 2016
Oxford, United Kingdom
- ARM.update.160929.pdf
- CAMBRIDGE.sean.mcguire.160930.pdf
- HPC-Workforce.Finn-Conway.160930.pdf
- IDC.Industry.160928.pdf
- IDC.MarketUpdate.160928.USE.pdf
- Imperial-College-London.160929.pdf
- NCI.Collins-Oxford-2016-finalSM.pdf
- NSCI-ECP Overview Sept 2016.pdf
- Oxford-Univ.HPC-overview.160929.pdf
- Oxford.biochem.sansom.160929.pdf
- PayPal.160929.pdf
- SKA-OxfordUniv.Wes.Armour.160930.pdf
- SUSE.hpcuserforum-Oxford-Sep-2016.pdf
September 6-8, 2016
Austin, Texas
- Video Gallery: HPC User Forum in Austin, Sept. 6-8, 2016
- AgendaHPCUFAustin9.6.2016.pdf
- Altair.pdf
- ARM.pdf
- AttendeeListAustin9.2.2016.pdf
- BlackLivesShort.pdf
- BP_Intro.pdf
- Bungartz_160907.pdf
- CUNYHPCTrikoupis.pdf
- DOEMessina.ECP.pdf
- Doug_Ball_CFD-in-Aerospace.pdf
- EMC.pdf
- EULFA.pdf
- HPC4Mfg.pdf
- IDCCyberSecurityStudy.pdf
- Intel160907.pdf
- JohnBP.pdf
- JohnFeoWhyUseTablesndgraphs.pdf
- LexisNexisHPCCActiveInsights.pdf
- Odegard_Rice.pdf
- ORNL-Sponsored Class.pdf
- ORNLbernholdt-total-crada.pdf
- PGS.pdf
- RiceDelangeConference.pdf
- RikenUpdate-ishikawa.pdf
- Ryft.pdf
- SUSE-handout.pdf
- SUSE.pdf
- TACC.pdf
April 11-13, 2016
Tucson, Arizona
- 2016-04-13-Tucson-Resch.pdf
- AltairNitzbergIDCHPCUserForumPBSOSS2016-04.pdf
- AMDStonerRTGROCM_FInal_V3.pdf
- April2016HPCUFAgendaApril.8.2016ej.pdf
- AWSCloudUse-CasesandTrends.pdf
- DellatIDCApril2016.pdf
- EarlApril2016Meetingslides4.11.2016.pdf
- Foster_HPCusersforum.pdf
- GonzalezNSCI.pdf
- graph-application-use-case.pdf
- HPC_Tucson_2016_VERNEGLOBAL.pdf
- HPCUserForumBMSession-040516_HPE2.pdf
- IDCDisruptiveTechnology16.pdf
- IDCHPCUserForum2016.pdf
- IntelHPCUserForum.pdf
- JefferySmartFinancialRiskManagementAnalysis.pdf
- Jetstream-HPC-User-Forum-Vaughn-042016.pdf
- Koller_Fortissimo_IDC_2016.pdf
- MosharafChowdhurygaiatalk.pdf
- NERSCPrabhatMachineLearning.pdf
- NickSparkDeploymentChallengesApril122016.pdf
- Nimbix_TheMissingMiddle.pdf
- ORiGAMIORNLforHPCUserForum.pdf
- ORNL-2016-Ramanathan.pdf
- RescaleZackv16.pdf
- Ryft-0416-169.pdf
- SGI160411HPCUserForumSGI.pdf
- Simon-ImperialApril2016.pdf
- SlonakerFosteringInnovationatAFRLv3.pdf
- UNLVNSCEEtalkforumApril2016.pdf
October 12-13 2015, Paris.
October 15-16 2015, Munich
- Climate-weather.Finn-Conway.pdf
- ClimateChangeDecisionSupport.MUZIO.CUNY.pdf
- CRAY.HPCUserForumOctoberParis 2015CRAY.pdf
- EuropeanCommission.ABA.ppt
- Exascale-IO-challenges.CEA.Lafoucriere.pdf
- Industrial-Use.Giles.NCSA.pdf
- KASDORF.BridgesNystromLRZ.pdf
- Lifesciences.NCI.Collins.pdf
- RenaultNissan.LANDEL.pdf
- Schulthess.CodesigningMeteo_Munich_Oct2015.pdf
- Teratec.MOUREN.pdf
September 8-10 2015
Broomfield, Colorado
- 3DXPoint_for_HPCUF_Final_Sep15.pdf
- 2015-09SKAtechrevolution.pdf
- AdaptiveComputingNickIhli.pdf
- Altairdiner1.pdf
- Altairpanel2.pdf
- AttendeesHPCUFDenverSep2015.pdf
- CrayDiner.pdf
- DDN-IDC-HPCusersForum
- DMFupdateSGI.pdf
- DwaveIDCDisruptiveTechnologyPanel.pdf
- EarlSept2015Meetingslides9.2.2015.pdf
- HPCUF_Muzio_20150909.pdf
- HPTechDisruptionChallengingData.pdf
- IceotopeEXANEST3.pdf
- IDC-cybersecurity-HPC-UF-Denver.pdf
- IDC-EU-HPC-Denver-UF.pdf
- ilight_hpcuf2015.pdf
- InspuHeterogeneousComputing.pdf
- Intel.pdf
- LOFT-2015.pdf
- LouisianaCoastalMasterPlan.pdf
- NASABroomfield.pdf
- Nimbix_Disruptive_Slides.pdf
- NOAA-Hart.pdf
- NSF_NSCI_Panel_v2.pdf
- NVIDIA_Posey.pdf
- NVIDIA_Posey2.pdf
- OptalysysHPCForum09153slides.pdf
- Panasas.pdf
- PublicIDCDOEROIResearch.pdf
- September2015HPCUFAgenda.pdf
- SUSE.pdf
April 2015
Norfolk, Virginia
- AgendaApril2015HPCUF.pdf
- Altair_KMonroev2.pdf
- AttendeesNorfolk.pdf
- Collins.pdf
- ComplexDataIntegrationinBio.pdf
- DARPAxdata-overview.pdf
- EarlApril2015Meetingslides.pdf
- HPUpdate.pdf
- IBMJohnUnthank.pdf
- Intel.pdf
- Jetstream.pdf
- KasdorfDXCBridges.pdf
- KnowlesNCDS-overview.pdf
- Mellanox.pdf
- NASACFD2030_HPCUser Forum_MalikV3.pdf
- Panasas.pdf
- RDAHPC2015.pdf
- Ryft.pdf
- SGIBraham.pdf
- Strawn.pdf
- TACCWrangler-Stanzione.pdf
- Ushizima_HPC_forum_2015.pdf
- VirginiaTech.pdf
September 2014
Seattle, Washington
- 20140917Hammond.pdf
- Adaptive.pdf
- AgendaHPCUFSeattle9.12.2014.pdf
- AltairMonday2014.pdf
- AMD_Sept14.pdf
- Apra_HPCUF54.pdf
- AWSIDCHPCUserForumSep162014b.pdf
- Collins-Seattle-2014-final.pdf
- Cori-The-N8-System.pdf
- CrayonDisruptiveTechnologies_9_2014.pdf
- CrayVendorUpdate_9_2014.pdf
- CycleCarrollIDCHPCUFSeattle.pdf
- Deslippe_HPCUF54.pdf
- DisruptiveTechnologiespanelslides9.15.2014.pdf
- DisruptiveTechNVDA.pdf
- Dwave2014-09-16_IDC_HPC_Presentation.pdf
- EarlSeptember2014Meetingslides 9.15.2014.pdf
- GISGPUdb_Prezo_09_16_2014.pdf
- HPC_User_Forum_Bolotnov_09172014.pdf
- HPCUpdatefromPoland.pdf
- HPUpdate-IDCHPCForumSept2014.pdf
- IBM_Platform_Cloud_Service.pdf
- IceotopeIDCHPCForumSeattle.pdf
- IDC_AMD_EmergingTech_Panel.pdf
- ilight_hpcuf2014.pdf
- IntelUpdateMBrown.pdf
- JohnFeoIDC14.pdf
- LiquidCoolingMethods_HPC_Seattle.pdf
- matrixmulonaxiom.pdf
- MelllanoxHPCUserForum.pdf
- Microsoftsutton.pdf
- Muzio_HPCUF-seattle_v3.pdf
- Panasas-HPC-User-Forum-20140915.pdf
- Panasas-IDC-DisruptivePanel-20140916.pdf
- PolandMN_HPCForum_Seattle_2.pdf
- PorterHPC_UF2.compressed.pdf
- SeidKoric_new.pdf
- ShaneISC2014.pdf
- Skytree-Disruptive_Technologies_Panel.pdf
- SkyTree.pdf
- SUSE-HPC_Userforum-2014-September.pdf
- TrinityHPCUserForum.9.8.14.pdf
- Turner-v4.pdf
- VanLunteren.pdf
July 2014
Riken KOBE, Japan
- AttendeesRIKEN_7_15v2.pdf
- BigdataatRikenforweather20140716.pdf
- BoEwaldDwaveUpdate.pdf
- CUNYSIRR.compressed.pdf
- DOEBobIDCBriefingJapanJune2014fcj.pdf
- DougBallCFDChallenges.pdf
- EarlRIKEN2014Meetingslides.pdf
- Fujitsuextneration upercomputers.pdf
- GilesHPCUFJapan.pdf
- HiraoRikenOverviewHPCUserForum.pdf
- IDCDOEROIPilotstudyresults.pdf
- IDCEarlJosephDisruptiveTechnologiespanelslides7.8.2014.pdf
- IDCHPDAslidesConwayshort.pdf
- JulyRikenHPCUFAgenda7.13.2014a.pdf
- Panasas-IDC-DisruptivePanel-20140716-Final.pdf
- PolandMN_HPCForum_Kobe_1607_2.pdf
- UnivofTokyoKNJuly2014.pdf
April 2014
Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Adam Hapij WAI DOD CREATE Program.pdf
- Agenda HPC UF SantaFe 2014.docx
- Alatir Monday night.pdf
- Andy Jones NAG.pdf
- Arthur Bland CORAL.pdf
- Attendees April 2014 Santa Fe.xlsx
- Bo Ewald Dwave Update.pdf
- Broadcom Monday night.pdf
- Cliff Brereton STFC Hartree.pdf
- Cray Vendor Update.pdf
- David Pesiri Partneships at Los Alamos.pdf
- DeBardeleben LANL.pdf
- Doerfler Sandia.pdf
- Earl April 2014 Meeting slides.pdf
- Gary Grider LANL.pdf
- Henry Newman HSN.pdf
- Herve Mouren Teratec.pdf
- HPC Innovation AwardWinners.pdf
- IDC DOE ROI Pilot study results.pdf
- IDC HPDA slides Conway.pdf
- Jeff Wolf LLNL.pdf
- John Goodhue MGHPCC.pdf
- John Turner CASL.pdf
- Katie Antypass NERSC8_HPC.pdf
- Leijun Hu Inspur.pdf
- Mellanox.pdf
- Micron.pdf
- Mike-Vildibill-DDN-BurstBuffer.pdf
- Mike-Vildibill-DDN-WOS.pdf
- nimbix.pdf
- NVidia Coprocessors.pdf
- NVidia Disruptive.pdf
- Panasas Monday night.pdf
- Raj Boppana Univ Texas.pdf
- Rishi Khan ExtremeScaleSolutions.pdf
- Ronald IBM DOME.pdf
- SGI ICE 3M_Immersion.pdf
- Stan Ahalt RENCI.pdf
- Steve Phillpott HGST.pdf
October 2013
Seoul, Korea
- AgendaforSeoulHPCUFmeeting.pdf
- BiologicalSystemsIlyaShmulevich.pdf
- Biswas-NASA HPC-UF-Seoul.pdf
- BoeingBallDayone.pdf
- CEDIC2013HPC_WH Jeon.pdf
- EarlSeoulOctober2013Meetingslides.pdf
- HP_Moonshot_System.pdf
- IDCDOEROIstudyupdate.pdf
- IDCSeoulDayOnePresentation.pdf
- ISBModelingBiologicalSystemsandAnalyzing lrgScaleDataSetsHPCForum.pptx
- JohnBancroftKoreaeinfrandBigData.pdf
- JysooLeeSupercomputingPlansofKorea.pdf
- KasdorApproachtoEducation.pdf
- PaulMuzioHPCUF_Korea.pdf
- SteveFinnResultsofthe50thHPCUF.pdf
- VijayHPC_User_Forum.pdf
September 2013
Boston, Massachusetts
- BennettHPCDinner.pdf
- BostonHPCUFAttendeeList 9.7.2013.xlsx
- CrayHPCUserForum.pdf
- EarlBoston2013Meetingslides.pdf
- IBMHPCUserForum.pdf
- IDCDOEROIstudyupdate8.7.pdf
- ilight_panel.pdf
- Intel-SWUpdate.pdf
- JWolfWolf.pdf
- MellanoxHPCUserForum.pdf
- MuSigmaHPCUserForum.pdf
- Otero-IDC_edited.pptx
- ParallelScientificLabs.pdf
- PPNL.pdf
- QuantumComputingMicrosoft.pdf
- RajBoppana.pdf
- VernonIDCTalk.pdf
- VMWaresimons-2013.pdf
- WSU-HPC-ForumAltair.pdf
- Baudry_Boston13.pdf
April 2013
Tucson, Arizona
- AgendaApril2013HPCUF.docx
- Altair.pdf
- ApixioIDC_043013.pdf
- AttendeesTucsonApril32013.xlsx
- BrightOverview.pdf
- Brocade.pdf
- ConveyWallach.pdf
- Cray.pdf
- EarlApril2013Meetingslides.pdf
- EarlApril2013Meetingslides.pptx
- EmcienIntroduction.pdf
- GeneralDynamicsSalzman_OPK.pdf
- HenryNewman.pdf
- HPDisruptiveTechnologies.pdf
- HPUpdate.pdf
- IBM.pdf
- Intel.pdf
- IntelBigDataTalk.pdf
- JillDahlburg.pdf
- Lamb_tucson.pdf
- Melanox.pdf
- Micron.pdf
- NVIDIA.pdf
- ParScience.pdf
- RSCAlexeyShmelevRussia.pdf
- SGI.pdf
- SUSE_Disruptive_HPC.pdf
- SUSEApril.pdf
- Tecplot.pdf
- UberCloud.pdf
- Uninett.pdf
- uServLuijten.pdf
- XyratexUpdate.pdf
September 2012
Dearborn, Michigan
- Dearborn 2012 Agenda
- ANSYS.pdf
- ANSYSBenefitsofXeon.pdf
- Appro.pdf
- Arno_Kolster_PayPal.pdf
- AttendeesDearbornvSept112012.xlsx
- BrianAthey.pdf
- BruceKnappmichmfg.pdf
- Chris_Mattmann.pdf
- CrayDisruptiveTechSlide.pdf
- CRAYoverview.pdf
- Dan.Luria.michmfg.pdf
- DeliveringCompetitiveness.Myers.HPCUserForum.pdf
- DickBoyd.pdf
- EarlSept2012MeetingslidesHPCUF.pptx
- ETIUserForum-Panel.pptx
- Giles-HPCUF48.pdf
- HPCMPOENergyUpdates.pdf
- IBMAcceleratingResultswithTechnical.pdf
- IDCmarketslidesChirag-Steve.pdf
- InteDebra.pdf
- IntelmissingmiddleMMDeck.pdf
- JeffGraham.pdf
- KyleWheelerandDylan.pdf
- Mellanox.pdf
- MikeAXCELEON.pptx
- NAG_HECToR_Sep12_IDC_Dearborn_Publish.pdf
- NOAAIDC-Dearborn.pdf
- ParallelScientificOverview.pdf
- ParSci-vendortalk.pdf
- PBSWorks_Summary.pdf
- Peter2012-futures-panel.pdf
- RileyMeetTheMiddle.pdf
- SDSC-HPCUF9-2012.pdf
- SequoiaHPCUserForum.pdf
- SGIOverview.pdf
- Stearman.HPCUserForum2012SequoiaFS.pdf
- TitusBrown2012.pdf
July 2012
London, England
- BullSupercomputingforUKACv1.pdf
- Collins-HPC-Jul-5-2012.pdf
- CRESTA.pdf
- CUNY_Muzio_20120705_v3.pdf
- EarlMeetingslidesLondon2012.pptx
- Haynes_IDC.pptx
- HPCMidlands-CloudSupercomputingfor AcademiaandIndustry.ppt
- HPCUF-agenda.London2012 7.2.2012.docx
- IDCHPCmarketoverviewJuly2012.pptx
- Jonathan-FollowsIDCForum6July2012.pptx
- Kasdorf_London UV@PSC.pptx
- MeadeHPCForum.pptx
- michael_mueller_eidc_hpc_user_forum.pdf
- PaulKelly-Arup-2012-04-V01.pptx
- PaulKellyshorten.pptx
- Vijay-HPCUserForum-LondonStuttgart2012.pdf
July 2012
Stuttgart, Germany
- AttendeeListHLRSJune252012.xls
- Collins-HPC-Jul-10-2012.pdf
- CUNY_Muzio_20120705_v3.pdf
- EarlMeetingslidesHLRSStuttgart2012.pptx
- HPCUF-agenda.Stuttgart2012 7.2.2012.docx
- HPCUF-CoolEmAll.pdf
- IDCHPCmarketoverviewJuly2012shortversion.pptx
- Kasdorf_Stuttgart UV@PSC.pptx
- PRACE_Industrial_offer_IDC.pdf
- VVVRussia-IDC-Stuttgard-2012.pdf
- SolarMapping.NYC-CUNY.pdf
April 2012
Richmond, Virginia
- AgendaApril2012HPCUF4.16.2012.docx
- AMD0412s.pdf
- AttendeesRichmond4.13.2012.xlsx
- DREHER-PETTTProgrampdf.pdf
- EarlApril2012MeetingslidesHPCUF.pptx
- ETI.pptx
- Feopdf.pdf
- GilesRichmondVApdf.pdf
- HappySHPCpdf.pdf
- HPC_User_Forum_feedback_form2012.docx
- HPCMPBenchmarkingActivities.pptx
- HPUpdateIDCHPCForum31712.pptx
- IBM Platform Symphony MapReduce IDC Conference.pptx
- IDCNewsreleaseon2011HPCnumbers.docx
- INCITE_HPCUserForum.pdf
- JackCollinsNCIpdf.pdf
- JayTACCpdf.pdf
- MellanoxHPCUserForum.pptx
- Mellanoxpdf.pdf
- noblis-mitchellpdf.pdf
- Panasas-IDCUserForumUpdate-20120416.pptx
- PeterBraam.pdf
- Platform.ppt
- Pope_SASOverviewpdf.pdf
- Sinkovitspdf.pdf
- TechandHPCUserforumlistofresearch_HPCUserforumApril2012.docx
- TichenorHPCUserForumpdf.pdf
- Vincegovfundingpanel.pdf
- WhamcloudPresentation.pptx
October 2011
CEA France
- AttendeeListCEA_Oct3.xlsx
- Bull_IDC-HPC-User-Forum.pptx
- cea_dam_idf_uk_map[1].pdf
- CEA-JPN-IDC-Forum43.pdf
- CEAmapbruyeres.pdf
- DenisCaromel-CLOUD.pdf
- DenisCaromelpdf.pdf
- directions-CEA.docx
- EarlMeetingslidesCEAHPCUF.pdf
- HPCUFHLRSagenda9.29.2011.docx
- IDCEUParallelsoftwareSHORT 10.1.2011.pptx
- JPLChrisCHPCUF111003_CJC.pdf
- Muziopdf.pdf
- NCSA2011HPCUserForumFall.pdf
- QLogicTrueScalepdf.pdf
- SteveFinnSummarizingtheSeptemberHPCUserForummeeting.pdf
- Teratecoct2011.pdf
October 2011
HLRS Germany
- AttendeeListHLRS_Oct6.xlsx
- BI_HPCUserForum_Oct6_2011.pdf
- Bull_IDC-HPC-User-Forum.pptx
- ETHLidiadelRioHPC.pdf
- HLRSEarlMeetingslidesHPCUF.pdf
- HPCUserForumStuttgart-PKarp.ppt
- IDCEUParallelsoftwareSHORT10.1.2011.pptx
- Insilico.HPC.pdf
- KranzlmuellerHPCandtheAppleTVCluster.pdf
- OverviewonHPCresearchactivities_HLRS.pdf
- QLogicTrueScaleEffectivepdf.pdf
- SpectraLogicVendorUpdate.ppt
- SteveFinnSummarizingtheSeptemberHPCUserForummeeting.pdf
September 2011
San Diego, California
- 1000GenomeHPCUseresForum 090711.pptx
- AgendaSeptember20011HPCUF9.1.2011.docx
- EarlSep2011MeetingslidesHPCUF.pptx
- Fitzgerald_IDC_HPCpdf.pdf
- future_prog_models_final_sriram.pdf
- HPTurkel-POD204aintropdf.pdf
- IDCawardprogram9.7.2011.pptx
- IDCEUParallelsoftwareWP2slides9.7.2011.pptx
- Intel-RichAltmaierSept2011_atIDCHPCUserForum.pptx
- Lustre_Panel_2011.ppt
- M-Resch-2011-09-07-San-Diego.pdf
- MarkBarnellHPC-User-ForumCondor-8SEP2011.pdf
- MicrosoftDatacenterEfficiency-RyanWaitepdf.pdf
- MinyardHPCUserForumPresentationMinyard.ppt
- NewFlyer5.27.2011.docx
- OpenSFSStatusUpdate.pptx
- PeterBeckman.pdf
- Platform.pptx
- WelchERDCBriefingpdf.pdf
- WhatAltairDoes2011pdf.pdf
April 2011
Houston, Texas
- AdaptiveComputing.pptx
- AGENDAApril2011HPCUF.docx
- angstrom-hpcpanel.pptx
- AttendeeList4.1.2011.xlsx
- BlueArc-10min-update.pdf
- brennan_HPC11.ppt
- ChinaTop100.pptx
- Cloud_Panel_houston.pdf
- CloudPavan.pptx
- EarlMeetingslidesHPCUF.pptx
- Evans_HPCUser_Forum.pptx
- Gatesfoundation.pptx
- Gomez-HPCForumHouston.pdf
- HLRS_public.pdf
- HPC_User_Forum_feedback_form.docx
- HPTsubameUpdate.pptx
- IntelatIDCHUFHouston.pptx
- IntelVendorUpdate.pptx
- JohnGustafsonIntel.pptx
- Kasdorf_Houston.pptx
- LeeBerry.ppt
- LJohnsson PRACE_EESI_S.pdf
- LSIHPCIDCPresentation.pptx
- McIntyre.pptx
- Mellanox.pptx
- MGiles_NCSA.pptx
- NASABiswas.pdf
- NewFlyer1.27.2011.docx
- NSRB.pptx
- NVIDIA_040611.pptx
- OSCIDCHoustonPanel.pptx
- Panasas-Update.pptx
- Penguinupdate.ppt
- PlatformComputing.pptx
- SandiaNL.pdf
- SeanMartin.pptx
- SteveScherr.pptx
- SuzyTichenor.pptx
- TACCIDCpresentation.pptx
- ViridentPCIeStorageFuture.pptx
October 2010
Beijing, China
- AgendaforBeijingHPCUFmeeting10.22.2010.docx
- Collins-ImagingandNGS.ppsx
- EarlChinaslidesHPCUF10.28.2010.ppt
- Giles-IDCChina2010.pptx
- HPC_User_China_Ball_RevA.ppt
- HPCUserEventPresentation.2.pptx
- HPC-in-chinese-language.pps
- IntelatIDCHPCUsersForum-China10-30-10-public.pptx
- JieWuRecognitionawardprogram.pptx
- MSFT.pdf
- NewDevelopmentsatInspur.pptx
- OSCIDCHPCUserForum.pptx
- RecentApplikcationsofCFDtotheDesignofBoeingCommercialTransports.pdf
- Singleterry.HPCChinaPresentation.pptx
- top100-SAMSS-HPC-China-2010-1030.ppt
- chinese-language-HPCUSERFORUM-chinese-language.ppt
October 2010
- BiGGrid_HPC_Cloud_SARA.pdf
- EarlHLRSslidesHPCUF10.3.2010.pptx
- EarlSARAEUworkshop10.3.2010.pptx
- EarlSARAslidesHPCUF10.3.2010.pptx
- EarlSARAWORKSHOPslidesHPCUF10.3.2010.pptx
- EUHPCAmsterdam.ppt
- EXTOLL_Intro.pdf
- Giles-HPCUserForum2010EU.pptx
- Giles-HPCUserForum2010EU.pdf
- HLRS(2010_10_04).pdf
- HLRSUserForum2010_Schelkle_final.pdf
- HPCUF1010.pdf
- IDCEUStudySlides10.11.2010c.pdf
- IDCHPCUFSARAagenda10.2.2010.docx
- IDCHPCUSERFORUMHLRSagenda10.4.2010.docx
- IdeasAbouttheFutureofEUHPC.ppt
- Igor_T-Platforms-IDC-Workshop_v1.0.ppt
- JieWuRecognitionawardprogram.pptx
- Kasdorf_SARA2010.pptx
- m-resch.pdf
- MEXTJapan.pdf
- MSTC15minselevatorGeneralatIDCMeetinginStuttgart.pptx
- ORNL-Stuttgart.pptx
- OverviewofHPCinNL-IDCHPCUserForum101011.pdf
- PRACE_industrial_offer_preview.ppt
- PRACE-IDC-2010-10-07.ppt
- Presentation-SaraSymposiomOct2010.pdf
- SteveC-Jie.exascale.pptx
- WelcomeandIntroduction-WhyHPCisneededinEU101011.pdf
September 2010
Seattle, Washington
- 2_StreamsHPC9.15.10.ppt
- 4_Murphy-HPC-Users-Forum.pdf
- 5_Reinhardt_KD_IDCUserForum_10Sep15.pptx
- 6_Morris_Big DataIDCHPCForumSep2010.pptx
- 7_Intel-Altmaier-2010_Sept_IDC_HPC-User_forum.ppt
- AdaptiveComputingUpdateSeptember2010.pdf
- AdaptiveComputingUpdateSeptember2010.pptx
- AGENDASept2010HPCUF9.10.2010.docx
- APPROIDCHPCUserForumSeatle-9-13-2010FINAL.ppt
- AttendeelistSep2010HPCUF.xlsm
- BrightComputingIDCUpdateshort.ppt
- Brocade-IDCHPCUserForumSept2010.pdf
- Cloud_Panel_IDC_Seattle_2010_Distribution.pdf
- Cloud_Panel.pptx
- FarberHPCUserForum.ppt
- Giles-HPCUserForum2010SEP.pptx
- Gordon-HPC-User-Forum.pptx
- HPC_User_Forum_feedback_form2010.docx
- IDCEUStudySlides9.9.2010.pptx
- IDCUserForumRyan-091310.pptx
- JieWuRecognitionawardprogram.pptx
- JohnFeo.pptx
- JohnG.Intel.ppt
- JohnMorrison_V5.pptx
- JohnTurner_HPC_UserForum.pdf
- KD_IDCUserForum_10Sep15.pptx
- Lustre-IDCHPCUserForum-100913.pdf
- Lustre-IDCHPCUserForum-100915.pdf
- MellanoxUpdateforIDCConfSep2010 r2.ppt
- MuzioApplication_Development_v2.pptx
- MuzioApplication_Development_v2.pptx.pdf
- NewFlyer9.10.2010.docx
- NSAfun3D hpc_forum.pdf
- NVIDIA_IDC_Seattle.pptx
- Panasas-pNFSstatus09-13-10.pdf
- Panel_Data_Intensive.pptx
- PlatformComputing-CompanyOverview-Short.pptx
- SteveC-Jie.exascale.pptx
- SteveFinnpanel.ppt
- swifthpcforum2010-DRAFT1.pdf
- wilson_data_intensive_computing_hpcuf2010.pptx
- wright_hpc_users-Forum_sept2010.pptx
April 2010
Dearborn, Michigan
- Accelerate.Manufacturing.Panel.questions.pptx
- Adaptive-Moab.ppt
- Aerospace_HPC_Algorithms_Sukumar_Chakravarthy.pptx
- AGENDAApril2010HPCUFmeeting4.10.2010.doc
- ALTASIM.HPCUsersconfApril10.ppt
- AOverviewofParallelismfromMicrosoft.pptx
- BMIHPCPresentation.ppt
- Bright-Computing.ppt
- buerger.training_panel.ppt
- CERNCase.pptx
- Cray_VendorPres_HPCUser2010_v2.pptx
- Cray.ppt
- DaveTopp.DICE_Intro_20100329.ppt
- DDN.ppt
- DesignofBoeingCommercialTransports.pdf
- EarlMeetingslidesHPCUF4.8.2010.ppt
- FordISV_Panel.pptx
- HPCForumSADI Briefing.ppt
- HPCUF_education.pptx
- IBM.ppt
- IntelUserForum.pptx
- ISV_Panel_2010_Dearborn_MI.pptx
- ISV_Panel.pptx
- JohnRileypdf.pdf
- JuliaWhiteINCITEOverview.pptx
- Mellanox.ppt
- MicrosoftKD_IDCUserForum_10apr14.pptx
- NASApdf.pdf
- NCSAMerleGiles.pdf
- Panasas.ppt
- PANTONPowerandCooling.pptx
- PaulBuergertraining_panel.ppt
- Platform.ppt
- SGICycloneIDCHPC.pdf
- SGIOverviewatIDCHPCvf.pdf
- SpectraLogic.ppt
- Stutz.slides.Panel.questions.pptx
October 5-6, 2009 International HPC User Forum Meetings: EPFL, Lausanna, Switzerland
October 8-9, 2009 HLRS/University of Stuttgart, Germany
- AttendeesEPFL10.1.pdf
- AttendeesHLRS10.1.pdf
- BullIDC-HPCUserForum.pdf
- CERNCMS_computing.pdf
- CUNY_HPCUF_20091005.ppt
- EarlMeetingslidesHPCUF.ppt
- EPFLAgenda9.28.2009.doc
- GrayHPCUF_AG.ppt
- HighTroughputCERN.ppt
- HLRSAgenda9.30.2009.doc
- HLRSWorkflowandHPC.ppt
- IBMSwitzerlandPresentation.ppt
- ISC_Presentation4.ppt
- Kasdorf_Lausanne2009.ppt
- Kasdorf_Stuttgart2009.ppt
- MicrosoftParallelComputing.pdf
- NASAHPCUFEurope.ppt
- NCIOctober62009.ppt
- PBSWorksOverview.ppt
- PRACE-HPC-Forum-2009-10.ppt
- Sterling_HPC_User_Forum.pdf
- SwissHPCN_Stringfellow.ppt
- VicHPCUFSwitz.ppt
- VJPSUStuttgart-09.pdf
September 2009
Broomfield, Colorado
- EarlMeetingslidesHPCUF942009.ppt
- AGENDAFallHPCUFBroomfield94.pdf
- AttendeesBroomfield93.pdf
- HANDOUTEPFLandHLRSagendas.pdf
- HPC_User_Forum_feedback_form2009.pdf
- BLeBack.ppt
- KFeind.pdf
- MMcCool.ppt
- Questions.ppt
- RGeva.ppt
- RMeyer.ppt
- SMohl.ppt
- SRowan.ppt
- STeixeira.ppt
- AppsPanel.ppt
- AVETEC_IDC_UsersForum.ppt
- Carter.pdf
- Carter.ppt
- EdwardKornkvenPresentation.ppt
- External_Research_Microsoft.ppt
- Heroux.pdf
- Heroux.ppt
- IDC_Panasas_Sep09.ppt
- Little_HPCUF090909.ppt
- MichalakesIDCHPUF.ppt
- Paikowsky.pdf
- PanelistBios.pdf
- ParallelComputingAtMS.ppt
- PerNybergCrayHPCUserForum.pdf
- PowerGridResearchatPNNL.ppt
- scalingMuzio.ppt
- Supinski.ppt
- White.ppt
- ApproIDCHPC.ppt
- HitachiCableInfiniGreen.ppt
- MellanoxTechnologies.ppt
- Mitrionics.ppt
- ScaleMPUpdate.ppt
- SpectraLogic.ppt
- AltairWM.ppt
- DICEFileSystemProjectv2.ppt
- DODDavis.ppt
- DoyleCOAMPSTCHPCv2.ppt
- GlenNGCIDCClimate Briefing.ppt
- IBMHPCForumaug09.pdf
- Michalakes_panel1.ppt
- NCARTufo.pdf
- SunMicrosystems-IDC-09-09-09.pdf
April 2009
Roanoke, Virginia
- AcceleratorsPanel(Koch).ppt
- AGENDAAprilHPCUFAgendaRoanoke 4-17-2009.doc
- aMeetingSLIDESHPCUF20094.17.2009.ppt
- ApproPitch-maria.ppt
- AVETECIDCUsersForum4-20-09vf.ppt
- BECompiler_PanelQUESTIONS.ppt
- BECompilerpanelOverview.ppt
- Bique_HPC09.ppt
- BISSETHPC-UF-bisset[1].pdf
- RecentApplikcationsofCFDtotheDesignofBoeingCommercialTransports.pdf
- CONVEY2009.status.april.long.ppt
- CONVEYHPCForumConveyComputer090408.pdf
- Council_Padgham_IDC_04212009.ppt
- CUNY_HPCUF_20090421.ppt
- DDN HPC_user_forum_IO_Panel.pptx
- DELLCarrollIDCslides4-20.pptx
- DeRose_Cray.ppt
- EarlandJieIDCMarketUpdateslides4.19.2009.ppt
- FinalAttendeesRoanoke0427.xls
- Geva_Intel.pptx
- GILRoanoke_HPC_Users_Forum_2009v1.pdf
- Harris_SiCortex.ppt
- HIO_Panel Jason_Sommerfield.ppt
- HPCAdvisoryCouncilAMD0422l.pptx
- HPCUF_Accelerators.ppt
- HPCUF09Olaf.pdf
- IBM2009-04-20-idc-hpc-bg-distribute.pdf
- ilight_hpc_forum09.pdf
- InstrumentalHPC_user_forum_IO_Panel.pptx
- IntelFinalHPCforSiliconDesign.pdf
- INTELHPC-compiler-panel.pptx
- INTELUserForum09Pawlowskifinal.ppt
- IO_Panel_Jason_Sommerfield.ppt
- KothePetascaleAppsORNLv2b.pdf
- KRETECH_HPC_BECompiler.ppt
- Kretsch_Sun.pdf
- LeSueurPresentation.ppt
- MellanoxTechnologies.ppt
- NCSAIDCUsersForumAPR2009.pdf
- NVIDIAGPU_Computing_update2.pptx
- Panasas_IDC_response_4-21-09.ppt
- ParaMEDIC_virginiatech.pdf
- penguin_v06.ppt
- PLATFORMupdate.ppt
- PSC_HPC_user_forum_IO_Panel.ppt
- Roadrunner(HPC UserForum-Koch).pdf
- Rowan_Convey.pdf
- ScaleMPIntro-v2.10-IDC Update.pptx
- SIXISHPCUserForum_042009.pptx
- STANAHALT090421HPCForumBCCv3.pptx
- STUDENT1KnightHPCPresentation.ppt
- STUDENT2HPC-Presentation.ppt
- STUDENT3HPC_user_forum_21apr09.ppt
- Sun-Vildibill.pdf
- TAREKHPCUF_04_09.pdf
- TheNewHPCAdvisoryCouncil.ppt
- VICReisHPCUF09.ppt
- VTCOMPLIERSIDC_Roanoke_09.ppt
October 2008
London, England
- Boeing Ball IDC
- Fujitsu final handout
- hECTOR Parsons 161008
- HP SCI Strategy IDC 161008
- Isabella, NWP and HPC UF
- NAG Andrew Jones – IDC Imperial
- Panasas IDC London 10-16-2008
- Robert NASA HPC UF Europe 08
- STEVE London HPC UF 2008 slides 10.6.2008
- Terry Computational Engineering at Rolls Royce
- Vince S Alt_Processors
- Welcome IDC
October 2008
- Altair
- Boeing Ball IDC pdf
- Computational Engineering at Rolls-Royce-IDC-1.0b
- Earl Stuttgart HPC UF 2008 slides 10.6.2008
- EnergyandComputing_Stgt
- idc-resch-2008-10-13
- idc-resch-2008-10-14
- ISC09 HPC User Forum 2
- MNiezgodka1_IDC_HPC_08
- NASA HPC UF Europe 08
- nec at idc_oct08
- RECOM-3D-Flame-Modelling-HPC-User-Forum
- Stuttgart and London Agendas 10 6 2008
- Vijay Agarwala
- Vince S Alt_Processors
September 2008
Tucson, Arizona
- Accel
- Accelerator_Panel_Walsh_Larrabee
- Alpine_Weather_Forecasting_Stringfellow
- Altair Crest 2008-09-09
- AlternativeProcessors-JG
- Andrew Jones – Alternative Processors
- Appro
- AttendeesTucson 9.5.2008
- Barcelona Jose pdf
- Boeing Ball IDC pdf
- Cray Overview 09_08_2008
- Dell Direction
- Dugway HPCUserForum20080909
- Global Data Motion Difficulty Snavely
- Green-Cieslak.PlatformComputing
- Hand VisInHPC-Revised pdf
- Harrison HPC user forum September 08
- HP update
- IBM – User Forum Update 091008
- IDC-NetApp-Update
- IDC2008 Luxtera
- Interactive Supercomputing
- klasky
- Maslowski_090908 pdf
- Mellanox InfiniBand
- Microsoft HPC Server IDC Fall 2008 lml
- NASA Alt Process
- new IDC market slides 4 Supercomputer
- newby-arsc-hpcusers20080908
- Northrop SWS v3.0
- Potential Panel Questions 9.4.2008
- Purdue Tucson HPCpresentation_2-1
- Robert MaierHPC_User_Forum_Sept_08
- Russell_Climate_Westerlies
- ScaleMP – 12.3 – IDC – v3
- SGI Update
- SiCortex update
- SPECFEM3D v2 snavely
- SUN Lustre_Update-080615
- Sun IDC HPC User Forum Sept08
- Sun-visualization
- Vendor.Appro
- Viz_Sun_IDC
April 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
- Andrew Johnson pdf
- Appro
- ARGONE-Overview
- AttendeesFinalNorfolkApr21
- Benchmarking DOD
- coc coc Reveal-Reflect
- Collins HPC-User Forum April 2008
- Datadirect Spring IDC HPC Forum
- Doug Post CREATE-04-14-2008
- Earl April HPC UF 2008 slides 4.10.2008
- eXludus_IDC-UsrForum-14apr08
- Floros-HPCuserforum
- Fluid-StructuresPanel Charts
- Germany IDC-16-April-2008
- HPC_UserForum_NetAppUpdate
- hpcforum_sicortex_inter_20080416
- IBM_OS attributes for HPC
- IDC HPC Market Overview_4.14.2008
- IMperial IDC HPC UF Apr 08
- Indiana
- Intel Connects Cables-Emcore
- Intel Connects Cables
- Intel_14Apr2008
- Interconnect_Qs
- Jie HPC Market forecast
- mathworks_080414
- Mellanox Technologies
- Mellanox_080415
- Microsoft_OS_Panel
- Microsoft
- Mitrionics
- NASA HPC_Presentation_04-15-2008
- NASA Mars_Norfolk_2008
- NAVAIR Airwake
- ORNL Update Kothe
- OS_Qs
- Panasas_Posey_Apr08
- QLogc Vendor Update
- Qlogic_IDC-Forum-April08-QLogic
- Sandia IAA.hpcuser
- Scott Morton
- SGI corp_overview IDC HPC
- SGI_ospanel-sgi-080416
- SGI_ospanel-sgi-080416
- SiCortex HPC User Forum – Stewart
- Storage Panel
- Sun HPC Update
- sun-panel-interconnect-pub