Our program to recognize noteworthy achievements made by users using High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies.

How winners will be selected

» All submissions will receive a careful and complete review

» Submissions must contain a clear description of the dollar value or scientific value received in order to qualify

» Volunteers from the HPC User Forum Steering Committee will conduct an initial ranking of the submissions (for the list of the steering committee members, click here).

» The final evaluation will then be conducted by selected experts in the specific area/discipline in which the work was done.

» Winners will be notified in advance of any public announcement

See Award Winners

Media Sponsors:

Program Goals

  • Showcase success stories involving HPC in science and industry
  • Help other users better understand the benefits of adopting HPC and justify HPC investments, especially for SMBs
  • Demonstrate the value of HPC to funding bodies
  • Expand public support for increased HPC investments
  • If you have one or more HPC success stories you would like to see recognized through our program, we encourage you to complete and submit this application form. Please submit a separate form for each success story that you want considered.


Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors