Our program to recognize noteworthy achievements made by users using High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies.
Program Objectives
While there are multiple benchmarks to measure the performance of technical computers, there currently isn’t an adequate methodology to evaluate the economic and scientific value HPC systems contribute. The HPC Innovation and ROI Award program is designed to help close that gap. The main objectives of the program are as follows:
- Recognize users and their vendors for major HPC-supported achievements in industry, government and academia.
- Build a large portfolio of quantified ROI success stories to strengthen the case for boosting investments in and funding for HPC.
* Quantifying HPC ROI has been difficult historically, because users have been reluctant to make this information available, or have not assembled this information. The award program provides an important means for gathering more quantified ROI success stories. Through identifying clear ROI examples, we expect to demonstrate more convincingly the close link between HPC and economic/scientific innovation and competitiveness. - Increase HPC adoption by educating the market on its benefits – using clear and specific ROI examples.
- Shed more light on new/emerging markets for HPC — e.g. the “Missing Middle”, SMB/SME/SMS’s, data-intensive computing, cloud computing, etc.