Join the HPC User Forum

To join the HPC User forum— as a member or sponsor, please fill in the information to the right. We will get in touch with you promptly.

For information about HPC User Forum membership, click here.

If there are problems with the form, you do not hear from us, or have other comments or questions, please go to our contact page, or email us at

HPC User Forum Mission

To improve the health of the high-performance computing industry through open discussions, information-sharing and initiatives involving hpc users in industry, government and academia along with hpc vendors and other interested parties.

Are You Concerned About...

  • What other HPC users are doing
  • The future of high performance computing
  • Your ability to procure the systems you need: e.g. procuring systems at a more optimal price and ways to save on power and cooling costs » Being able to discuss with peers similar HPC issues and find out how they overcame their obstacles
  • Selecting the right architecture for your applications — improving your ability to compare different HPC architectures and computers to meet your unique requirements
  • Selecting the right OS: UNIX, LINUX, Windows, others?

HPC User Forum Goals

  • Assist HPC users in solving their ongoing computing, technical and business problems
  • Provide a forum for exchanging information, identifying areas of common interest, and developing unified positions on requirements
  • By working with users in other sectors and vendors
  • To help direct and push vendors to build better products
  • Provide members with a continual supply of information on:
  • Uses of technical computers, new technologies, best practices, market dynamics, computer systems and tools, benchmark results, vendor activities and strategies
  • Provide members with a channel to present their achievements and requirements to interested parties

For more information about the HPC User Forum, click here.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.